Wednesday, November 30, 2011

#6 Yielding, push, reach and pull

  In class a combination that I think uses all the skills of yielding, push, reach and pull is the combination we learned on 11/28. It starts with a roll down, and pushing the body forward while taking a big breathe. Realising that into a head tail contraction and letting the knees bend to come up. Then reaching our arm from the back to the front in flexion pushing into flat back and reaching the arm to extend and flex going into a head tail curve and rolling up. This is followed with the arm reaching out clockwise with the head eye-tracking the arm yielding to fifth position on the side.  One of my favorite parts of this combination is going into flat back in fourth yeilding to push the body to flat back pulling and reaching the head and arms out and contracting in head tail. I think that it uses all points of the skills we need to continue teaching our bodies and further work that into the right ways to move. It also helps when you are actually reaching out of every limb and point of your body.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

#5 Readings Ch. 5-8

Modern II-IV – Read Chapter 5-8 in Making Connections
Discuss findings from the book. Highlight 5 areas covered in these sections and how it relates to your personal dance training.

  In chapter 5 through 8 I learned more on how to use my whole body, in chapter 5, they focused on the inner and outer imagery from the inside of my body and the outside and to imagine things that help me move my body. I learned about spontaneous image and self-teaching image so that I can use my arms, legs and body equally. In chapter 6, I learned that you have to be focus and be motivated to have the ability to dance, and that all of our movements come from our joints. In chapter 7, I learned that our joints allow us to move every limb and point of our body, and being able to rotate our joints and place our body wherever it needs to be placed. Abduction, medical rotation around the longitudinal and circumduction are all terms that are used mostly by our joints. In chapter 8, I saw that all movement does come from the pelvis, it helps you balance and create a good alignment. It helped me a lot to realize how much it takes to control your body and dance better.

Monday, November 28, 2011


 Reflect on Dusan Tynek’s performances. Assess the performance and presence of the dancers in the company. What makes you drawn to watching them? What technical clarity do they bring to the performance? What do you see?

   I personally really enjoyed the Dusan Tynek performance. You can tell that all the dancers were very concentrated and connected with there body. Throughout every piece you can feel and see that they had a clear understanding with each other. Watching the connection and how they flowed through every movement is what drew me in the most. You see how they take there presence to another level. I think that even when they didn't do the biggest movements they were still clean and done to there fullest ability. I liked when they danced with the chairs, I saw that even doing the movements with the props they were still very precise. I really enjoyed there performance.


The idea of parts to whole is important in all forms of dance. Discuss your findings when executing the whole body X, body half, upper/lower etc. Do you find that you move from your core? What habits are you aware of? How are you working to re-train the body to initiate from the center?

  When I am doing the X, I try to completely intune myself with my body. I find that you have to use your core to connect with every limb connected to your body. Sometimes I feel I dont use enough of my core or connect my head as if it were a limb as well. I think it is easier to move and control my lower body than the upper, since I have trouble connecting my core. Body half I feel is a lot easier to control and manuever when I concentrate into the movements. A bad habit is not engaging my core,when I do engage my core it is definitely a lot easier to control my movements. A good habit is breathing into all of my movements. I think that working constantly in initiating the center of the body would help me control the movements better and perform them clearly.